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The Buzz Aldrin Astronomical Center

The Buzz Aldrin Astronomical Center is the hub of our club's activities. 

Named for second man on the Moon, a Montclair New Jersey native, this is where we hold our monthly meetings and educational events.

The Paul Robinson Observatory
The heart of the telescope is the primary mirror which is 26 inches in diameter. The instrument was originally a Newtonian with a focal ratio of f/4 and has since been converted to a Cassegrain configuration.  This allows for comfortable viewing from a standing position or a simple step-up if necessary. 
The 26" telescope's mount, a modified German Equatorial, is from Indiana University, where it had been used in experimental work. Its mount is a massive iron casting, nearly seven feet high, and its foundation penetrates twenty feet underground to the mountain's bedrock! The entire assembly weighs over four tons, and towers fifteen feet above the floor.

Additional Observatories

  • Luna 1
    Outfitted for Astro Photography with a 5", 1100mm F/7 Refractor, CCD Camera and filters on a German Equatorial Mount.

  • Luna 2
    Configured for Visual observing as well as Video Photography, Luna 2 houses an 14" Celestron HD Edge Optics, 3910mm F/11 Aplanatic Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope mounted on a  German Equatorial Mount.

  • Luna 3
    Is fitted with both an 8" Celestron HD Edge Optics for Planet
    ary video photography and a Televue 101 for spectroscopy research.


Additional Telescopes
The Observatory has a number of other scopes used for public viewing nights and special hydrogen alpha filtered telescopes for solar viewing on Sundays.


Member Benefit : Loaner Scopes
There are a number of additional club telescopes that members, who don't have scopes of their own, can borrow for an evening of observing on the grounds of the Observatory.


The New Jersey Astronomical Association operates on leased premises, administered by The State of New Jersey, Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Parks and Forestry.

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